LAST UPDATED: 28.07.24 Rules updated - V5 - 28.07.24. Online entry is now available.

Competition Rules 2024

[Version 5 - 28.07.24]

1.   Wensleydale Young Musician of the Year is open to young performers who are aged from 7 to 18 years(i) and live or attend school in North Yorkshire, or within 20 miles(ii) of their nearest key service centre/ market town located in North Yorkshire. The competition will be held on Sunday 24th November 2024, from 2.00pm at St. Matthew’s Church, Leyburn, DL8 5FD. (See website for confirmation of each class start time -

(i)    Performers age as at 31st August in the same year the competition is being held.

(ii)   Distance should be calculated by entering the place names into Google maps UK. If in any doubt please email  stating your location, postcode and the nearest key service centre/ market town.

2.    Entries must be made on an official entry form or using the online entry form at Entry forms are available for download from the website or by email from Entry forms may be photocopied and printed in mono (black and white).

3.    Entry fees are charged per individual. £3.50 for their first entry and £3.00 for each additional entry. Fees are non-refundable. Payment can be made via:

       > Bank Transfer: Sort Code: 40-52-40 | Account: 00035460 | (CAF Bank Ltd.)
Please use the reference: ‘WYMY24, Name of performer’

       > Cheque: made payable to ‘BlueBoxt Creative and Performing Arts’.
Please include reference on the back of the cheque: ‘WYMY24, Name of

       > Cash: Hand delivery only. Please do not send cash with postal entries.

4.    Entry fees, along with a copy of sheet music for the adjudicator(iii) & (iv), must be sent with a copy of your entry form(s) to WYMY24, BlueBoxt Creative and Performing Arts, Office 15, First Floor, Thornborough Hall, Leyburn, North Yorkshire DL8 5AB.

(iii)  We are unable to return copies of sheet music unless a stamped, self-addressed envelope is provided or postage is paid prior to dispatch.

(iv)  Any cuts, variations or extemporisations in the performer’s part must be clearly marked on the adjudicator's copy of the sheet music.

5.    The closing date for entries is midnight on Monday 18th November, 2024. No entries will be accepted after the closing date.

6.    Entries will be confirmed by email. No entry will be confirmed until the required copy of the sheet music and backing track - if required - is provided.

7.    Performers may enter the same individual class a maximum three times. They must play a different instrument(v) per entry. They may play in as many ensembles/ groups as they wish.

       > Class One: Instrumentalist or Vocalist(vi) playing acoustically accompanied by a pianist or unaccompanied.

       > Class Two: Instrumentalist or Vocalist(vi) playing with amplification accompanied by a backing track or unaccompanied.

       > Class Three: Ensemble or Group. Two or more performers playing acoustically or amplified.

(v)   Percussionists may combine tuned and untuned in their performance. This is optional.

(vi)  Vocalists should choose material that is suitable for a family audience. Consideration should be given to the choice of themes and the appropriateness of the lyrics.

8.    Performers are free to choose their own piece(s) but must provide a copy of the sheet music for the adjudicator and, where required, the backing track(s) for playback.

9.    Performers may only play one piece per entry, which must be within the minimum (one minute) and maximum (fifteen minutes) time limit, on each instrument. Set-up time must also be within the maximum time allowed. Timing will begin when the performer enters the stage. Performers will be penalised if they overrun and the portion of the song which overruns will not be adjudicated.

10. Performers should provide their own accompanist - if required - for Class One. The competition organisers can suggest an accompanist, but arrangements must be made by the performer before their entry is submitted. Entries will not be accepted unless an accompanist is named.

11. Backing tracks, electronic and amplified instruments and other electrical equipment are permitted in Classes Two and Three only. The backing track must not include the instrument part being performed by the individual as their entry in the competition. Backing tracks should be emailed to: or uploaded to:

12. Performers should provide their own instruments and amplification as required (backline). These should clearly show a current PAT (Portable Appliance Test) sticker on the device and/or plug with the accompanying test certificate available upon request. The organisers will provide a PA and playback monitor(s). An acoustic piano, digital stage piano and drum kit will be available.

13. Ensembles/ Groups can comprise any instrument or voice from two to twelve performers, provided that all performers meet the age criteria. No adult accompaniment is allowed.

14. Performers are encouraged to perform from memory or from a standard published copy of music or from a manuscript of their own composition. Performance (including accompanying and adjudicator) from a photocopy is not allowed unless you can provide evidence of the permitted licence on request.

15. The organisers will draw the entries at random for each class to determine the order in which performances take place. Each performer will be invited to the stage when it is their turn to perform. Each performer will introduce their own programme.

16.  Video and sound recording and flash photography are forbidden during the performances and adjudications. This is to ensure the performers are not distracted. The organisers may provide an official photographer and/or videographer.

17. All children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent, carer, their teacher or another adult nominated by their parents/guardians who will be responsible for them at all times.

18. The competition is open to members of the public to attend. Performers and members of the audience are responsible for their own safety and for the security of their belongings while on St. Matthew’s Church premises.

19. If it is the adjudicator’s opinion that the standard of a particular class is too low, they may decide not to award a prize.

20. Winners of each section will be invited to perform in future BlueBoxt concert presentations.

21. The Wensleydale Rotary Club will select two competitors (instrumentalist and/or vocalist) who meet the eligibility criteria, to go forward to the ‘Rotary Young Musician’ District Final(vii). The rules of the national competition along with the date and venue will be confirmed and agreed at the time of selection.

(vii) To be eligible for nomination for the Rotary Club’s national competition, entrants must be aged between 7 and 17 on 31st August 2024 and agree to the separate rules of the Rotary Young Musician’s Competition. [The Wensleydale Young Musician of the Year is a stand-alone competition. Class One has been devised to meet the criteria of a ‘Local Heat’ as described in the Rotary Club’s national competition rules.]

22. After the adjudicator has determined the results of each class, they will comment on their observations before announcing the results. No one, except the organisers, shall approach the adjudicator's table during the competition.

23.  Performers are entitled to keep their certificates and any medals they may be awarded.

24. Winners’ trophies may be held for eleven months and must be returned no later than the end of October 2025. Winners are responsible for engraving their names on trophies.

25. Personal information will only be used for the purpose of delivering the competition and providing details of opportunities and activities which may further support the development of young people. It will not be shared with third parties for any other purpose.

26. All reasonable precautions are taken by our administration and delivery teams to ensure the personal information they have access to is kept securely and will not be shared with anyone who does not have a legitimate reason to have access to it in relation to the organisation and administration of the competition.

27.  Participants, unless they opt out as part of their registration, may be featured in publicity, photographs, audio recordings and video footage in relation to BlueBoxt projects and marketing activities. Such examples include press coverage, website, social media, case studies, evaluation reports and session delivery. These may also be used by our funders who include AMP, Youth Music, Arts Council England and The Wensleydale Rotary for a period of 24mths from the date we submit them.

28.  Wensleydale Young Musician of the year competition is organised by BlueBoxt Creative and Performing Arts [Charity #1199194] in association with Wensleydale Rotary Club. In the event of any query or dispute regarding these rules, or the outcome of the competition on the day, should be made in writing by email or post. The decision of the competition organisers will be final.


If you have a question then please use to Contact Us page to get in touch.

Will there be refreshments available?
Yes, The Rotary Club provide hot and cold drinks and a selection of cakes and biscuits for a suggested donation.

I would like to watch the competition, is there an entry fee?
You are more than welcome to come and support the young people taking part. Entry is FREE with the option to make a donation to help defray costs. You can do this registering to attend or on the day.